Monday, August 9, 2010

Will they do anything?

So today I was reading this article Facebook nightmare, and it dawned on me that some men will do anything in their best interests. Actually, I can go so far as to say there is an entire subculture of sociopaths masquerading as normal. Oh you're just jaded, you say. Or am I?
Whether you believe this dirtbag's story or not, the fact remains he was married and carrying on with another woman behind her back. However, other stories mention she knew about the initial infidelity and took him back anyway. After which he married the other chick anyway. Ok, one, obviously this lady needs counseling. Two, did this guy's do-the-right-thing filter never come on? Really?
I can tick off 5 stories on one hand without even thinking about it. From one friend's ex cheating on her for Lord knows how long with a close friend and making her seem nuts for being suspicious, from another to dumping another friend for not being fat. Even though he was a closet chubby chaser. So instead of dealing with his issue, he inflicts his denial on my friend and pretty much wastes six months of her time. My question is this: is the drive for self serving purposes that strong as to completely block out the need to have integrity?
Going back to the jerk on Facebook, where do we as women draw the line? Is there a slippery slope? How much selfish behavior do we tolerate? I decided about 6 months ago, mid recovery from Satan's break-up, that my line was firmly drawn in the sand. No more ambiguous, ambivalent pap.
While I wholeheartedly believe there are some jacked up men out there, I place a good chunk of the blame on other women. Think about it. SB made a comment to me today about a guy who lied to her, "He did it so smoothly, like he'd done it many times before." How many women had accepted the lies before that, making him feel he could get away with it so easily? How many women either never questioned or never said no?
Does doing this serve our own selfish interests? Do we hear what we want to hear or see what we want to see to serve OUR purposes?
Or is this a symptom of our modern culture of instant gratification?


weezermonkey said...

I don't think it has anything to do with modern culture. Men have always been like this throughout history.

Technology simply gives them new ways to be cads.

Anonymous said...

Wow, all great questions that pretty much answered themselves! I do have to agree with Weezermonkey, technology just added to the many venues utilized by self serving sociopaths. It provides a world in which these people get to live almost a make believe life.

I have recently quit internet dating. It was my first time doing it and 7 months of it completely exhausted and disenchanted me. I did it because my schedule is absolutely insane, and I thought it would be a good time effective way to meet people. The result: players, players, players. The upside: it sharpened my dating skills and BS radar.