Friday, August 20, 2010

Sometimes they come back

I think I should learn to be careful about invoking the spirits of evil ex-boyfriends in my blog. Because sometimes they come back. Last weekend I was killing an hour before getting ready for a date by playing World of Warcraft. Yes people. I'm a huge nerd. Moving on......  Well, Satan sent me an in-game message. "Oh good job on your toon! How are you?" Besides the icky feeling in my stomach? You know, the kind you get when it falls out and hits the floor? I bet you're wondering if I responded. Oh you bet I did. I've known it was just a matter of time before it occurred since he began obsessively playing recently. Which he does when he starts detaching himself from his current reality. Anywho... my response:
"F- you, you f-ing lying, cheating, psychopathic asshole. Go f-yourself!" To which he replied with a deletion to my toon and put me on ignore. Um yeah. Because I'M the one in danger of sending messages.
Monday I get an email on my blackberry from Mimbo. You all remember Mimbo don't you? Read back a few columns to the porn post and you'll figure it out. Mimbo pops up every 6 months or so, you can almost time him. He's been doing this for about 3 years. I told him unless he wants to have a girlfriend then he needs to leave me alone because I'm looking to get married. Ha! I thought, now he will run! Um, except he didn't. So now I just keep telling him no I won't go out with him.
I guess I really don't understand the concept of guys coming back. Satan lied and cheated on me, but he has a loooooong history of being a romantic revisionist. He always thinks his past relationships were a lot more rosy than they really were. I guess that's why the chick he left me for was the girlfriend before me. Who cheated on him a few times too. Keepin' it classy, Satan!
As for Mimbo, I think he just gets bored and thinks I will always have the door open, which I don't. Why do guys do this? Is it because they think their "pussy pass" (excuse my crassness) hasn't been revoked? I secretly think this is why men keep in contact even after they dump you, so it DOESN'T get revoked.
I'd be interested in hearing from some men on this. Except for AssHat, who knows who he is.


10yearstogether said...

New to reading your blog! Hope things start to turn around for you. There are some good men out there. I hope when you're ready, one of them is lucky enough to find you.

Rachael said...

New as well. I love that you told that sucker off. Good job! Don't waste a second on retarded guys.

Tameka said...

New reader here too. I already know I'll be back. Single chickdom is rough...asshat guys are something I can definitely relate to!