Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your puppy is so cute!!!!

I bet you totally thought I was going to write a post on the tricks men use to get our attention, didn't you? HA! Not really, all though that would be entertaining to write.
Nope, I'm posting today on dating younger men, who I affectionately call "puppies". I am not a cougar, mostly because I'm not old enough being as I'm only 36. I also don't want to write something that leads everyone to believe this is some kind of social phenomena... blah blah.. boooooorrriinnng!
I'm posting today because I've lived it. My aunts live it every day. They're both married to guys ten years or more younger than they are. My one aunt is 18 years older than her husband. They've both been married before, and this time around they picked someone more fun, I guess. I do not consider them cougars either.
When I was 33 I dated a guy who was 21 years old. Shockingly, he turned out to be a whole lot of fun and a lot more mature than what I would have thought. We used to watch football all day on Sundays, go to the movies, and I would cook for him. Alas, he got deployed and we had to end it. But dang was he hot! Especially when he was walking around my house in his boxer briefs...and helping me move to a new apt... and... wait, why did I stop fooling around with him again? Oh yeah, we became friends instead. This is a big draw for me as younger men seem to be more active, not so set in their ways, and more willing to please in a whole lot of ways. (And I didn't mean THAT way, you big ol' bunch of pervs! Although that was a bonus)
I guess there is somewhat of a social stigma if you're my age or older. Maybe because if you're single at my age or older, the focus is on marriage so much that people wonder what the hell you're doing. It helps a lot that I don't look my age, but I am the only one of my friends to be willing to date someone that much younger than me. My BFF, Red, is seeing someone she calls the Young'un. She's 36 and he is 30. That's not such a big deal to me. But of the more extended group of friends I have, I am the ONLY one who dates men significantly younger.
Would I consider someone a full decade younger as marriage material? Meh... I don't know. I have a second date with a 25 year old on Thursday night, so I'll let you all know after that.. hee hee hee.


weezermonkey said...

One of my ex-boyfriends was three years younger than I am. That's the extent of my dating younger men.

I don't think true puppies would be interested in me if I were out there looking!

Red said...

Just remember these all important words of wisdom: Don't name the puppy unless you're planning on keeping him and make sure he's house trained.

On a random side note I was out over the weekend and kept getting hit on by all these youngsters- like early 20's types. God bless cougar awareness for making nights like that possible..It definitely gave the ol' ego a boost.

Red said...

Meant to say "related side note" to the above and not "on a random side note". I hate not being able to edit.

Anonymous said...

Lately I have had quite a few "puppies" hit on me. But I have absolutely no interest in dating on seriously. I'm 38, if I were to get involved with someone 5-10 yrs younger, with time, their expectations would change, mostly the children thing. I am not in a position to invest in someone only to have him dump me 4 years from now because I will be too old to start a family. I think, in my personal predicament, it's a recipe for disaster.