Monday, October 18, 2010

Your Uterus Doesn't Give You Priority

First I want to preface this post by saying this is not meant to knock my friends who are mothers. I love you guys and you are SO not who I'm referencing in this post. Got it? Ok, here we go.
I can't stand highbrow mothers. Yes, you know who you are. With your strollers the size of a bus, your habit of taking up any aisle in any store with same stroller, your gaze of superiority as you gaze at my cart of yogurt, bread and cat food. Yes, I have cats. Two to be exact. That doesn't make me a crazy cat lady, even though I'm a single woman in my mid-30's. (or does it? SHIT!) All right, I digress...
Have you ever noticed this? At the mall, or even worse, any amusement park. Parents running their strollers into strangers like they own the freakin sidewalk. No apology, like we are supposed to get out of their way because there's a "BABY ON BOARD!" Seriously. I was at the grocery store last night and it must have been mommy night because they were all over and constantly in my way. I couldn't get my cart around their cart. They're letting their kids scream at the top of their lungs. From what I hear, they just tune the kid out. Well that's all fine when you're at home but when you're in public the rest of us have to suffer from your kid's tantrum. Have some class or some consideration for your fellow humans, geez.
The stroller/cart drives me nuts. The few times I have said "excuse me" or nudged their cart/stroller out of the way has resulted in dirty looks. I guess just because you have offspring that gives you absolution from having manners.
The other thing that drives me nuts is the "oh you poor single non-breeder, you just don't get it" looks and/or comments. Sad to say I get this from a certain member of my own family. My cousin JO insists on inviting her friends to family events. They all got married at the same age and all had kids at the same age. They look at my sister and I, who are both single, with these looks of pity, fear, and condescension. They completely dismiss both of us, because our lives couldn't possibly be as relevant as theirs. I mean, they're mothers!
Now this sounds kind of weird coming from me, since I would love to have a family of my own, but do people really have to be assholes about it? Is this sort of a post-feminism view I have? If women are happy being stay-at-home mothers, how dare they mock the rest of us? Wasn't that what the Women's Lib movement was about? We could choose what we wanted to be. A mother, a wife, an adventurer (me!), none of the above or all of the above.
What say you, audience? Am I being an overly sensitive, bitter, single woman in my 30's? Or is there something to this?

1 comment:

weezermonkey said...

Oh, I am with you 100%.